Saturday, February 23, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 54


The intersection of Kennedy Blvd. and Dale Mabry is where Pops calls home.  It's a modest, one milk crate home, but home nonetheless.

The intersection of Kennedy Blvd. and Dale Mabry is also a portal.  It's a portal in more than one way, but a portal nonetheless.

One way that it is a portal is that it seems to thoroughly zap out all of the Jazz Hands energy by crossing through the threshold.  Additionally, it is a time portal.  Maybe the two are related but there is no way of knowing for sure.  Perhaps electro-magnetic fields are energy suckers.  That seems to make a little bit of sense, in a nerdy physics way.  But I'm not a physics nerd, so we'll just leave that question for Stephen Hawking and wait for his reply.  I think he has a gmail account, I'll give it a shot.

I can tell you one thing for sure.  It is a rare occasion that I do not get stopped by a red light at the intersection of Kennedy Blvd. and Dale Mabry.  Almost always, I'm stopped at that red light.  And it's a long red light.  Really-long-red-light.

This past week I was cursed with three green lights, three days in a row.  Cursed because it means I will pass through the energy sucking electro-magnetic field sooner, destroying most of my inspiration in one fell swoop.  The other two days were red.

This week I crossed paths with my old friend Pops three times.  Each time, my journey through the portal was expedited with a green light.  Each of those three times, I watched Pops go by in a whir.  Each of those three times I wonder if Pops is quick enough to spot the flying bag of Combos being tossed to him from a car traveling approximately forty miles per hour and also be nimble enough to catch it before said bag causes serious bodily harm.  

Death by Combos...and not in the normal "death by Combos" way either.

I side with caution and keep the bag of Combos at my side for a red light day.  The two days I am stopped by a red light, my old friend Pops is replaced by the younger version, who usually resides on the opposite side of the intersection.  Old Pops south side.  Young Pops north side.  Young Pops is not quite as friendly and it seems that much time must pass before he is ready to receive the gift of Combos for he is not wise enough to understand the greatness of fake cheese squeezed into hollowed out, salty pretzel bits.  Old Pops as evidence, he'll get there some day.

Time portals are fairly tricky and are somewhat of a mindfuck.  Excuse the expression, but there is no other word in the English vocabulary that comes even close to an appropriate expression for time portals.

It's possible that it is not really time travel, but another dimension interacting with our own, and the only reason I think that may be viable is because I've seen old Pops south side and young Pops north side on the same day once...this seems to suggest the probability of dimensions interacting, and this particular intersection, Kennedy Blvd. and Dale Mabry, is a place with a high frequency of dimensional interactions, where dopplegangers can co-exist.  

I believe the dimension where south side Old Pops resides is the one that is Hand Jazzier.

Today's Jazz Hands are multi-dimentionally complete.

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