Tuesday, February 12, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 43


It seems we have some Italians or at least one enthusiastic Italian, interested in a quick restated purpose...So today's blogging is to welcome our new friend(s), and get them up to speed, along with anyone else that needs a quick refresh...also, please feel free to go back to the original post and start from the beginning for the thorough experience...otherwise, welcome aboard (CIAO!).


I have aspirations of being a world renowned jazz dancer and am dedicating one year of my life to explore one small facet of the genre, Jazz Hands.  Only then will I feel comfortable enough to expand into more traditional jazz dancing techniques.

Either that or I held a "Pick Kyle's 2013 New Year's Resolution" contest, and the winning entry (by virtue of vote) was for me to deploy Jazz Hands every single day for the entire year, accompanied by regular updates on the progress of said resolution, which has turned into this here blog.

Whichever seems more viable.

If you need a more complete understanding of what Jazz Hands is exactly, please turn your attention to the most current, credible source for modern terminology, "The Urban Dictionary."

The Urban Dictionary has three, clearly defined variables for Jazz Hands, all of which seem quite plausible.

1. A cabaret-style move, popularized by the musical "Fosse".  Now used, usually ironically to express excitement, glee, razzle dazzle, etc.  

The move is performed by tilting the head slightly, shimmering the hands with fingers splayed either side of the face and crying "jazz hands!" with an enthusiastic smile.  Also *JAZZ HANDS!!!* used as an expressive punctuation on blogs and bulletin boards.

2. The act of waving one's hands in the air in an erratic manner in response to an emotional song or situation.  Similar to spirit fingers except that the entire hand and, occasionally the arms, are utilized.

3. When a persons hands shake uncontrollably from alcohol withdraw

Razzle Dazzle.  I like that.  Here's hoping you are dazzled with razzle and that you come back for more.  Today's actual hand jazzing was done ironically.  Day forty-three complete.

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