Friday, February 15, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 46


Jazz Hands teaches us how to examine life.  To observe and absorb the little things that surround us each and every day.  Jazz Hands gives us levity and the ability to time travel and to destroy and to create and to connect dots where none existed before and to write run on sentences.

It gives us a fighting chance in this world of inherently vain, meaningless futility...where the lives of both wise and foolish men end in death.

That was some deep bull kaka right there.

Still with me?  Good.

Day twenty-three we looked at things under a microscope to get a deeper meaning which I thought to be quite fun.  Today we will look at Jazz Hands from the widest view down to the molecular level and really find out what's going on.  This will prove two things.  First it will prove without doubt that Jazz Hands is more than anyone has ever thought possible.  Second it will show that there is no randomness. Take a look at the universe and attempt to argue otherwise.  Seriously, look.  It's as expansive as it is elegantly connected in every way imaginable.

Zoom in a wee bit and we find our Milky Way galaxy.  Keep in mind that the Milky Way is but a speck of dust in the vastness of the universe...

Closer still, the Big Dipper is quite familiar to all of us as we've all spent countless nights gazing at the stars, wondering how long it will take the dog to do his business so we can get back inside.

Look at this same image from a new perspective, you get Ursa Major, which is the shape of a big bear. Viewing the same thing from different angles can play a crucial role in almost every facet of life.

Zoom in close to the tip of the big bear's tail and the very end of the Big Dipper's handle, we find the star Alkaid, a brilliant bright star in its own right..."Alkaid" means "leader" which is ironic considering the location on Ursa Major's hind side.

Continue further onto the surface of Alkaid, we see a new world emerge before our eyes (quite the zoom lens on my smart phone, yes?  There's an app for that, you should check it out).  Breathtaking, is it not?

Just a tad closer, you will find this little fella swimming around the lake we found on Alkaid's surface.  Almost hard to believe...but zoom lenses do not lie.

Trust me we're going somewhere with this...zoom into the feathers on the back of this duck and you guessed it (you did guess we'd find heaven there, didn't you?) heaven!

And when you finally ascend that Staircase, you get to the smallest elements ever to be found...that's not to suggest insignificance of course.  They are, after all, the building blocks of existence...and I found them with the zoom lens on my new smart phone.  Snorks.  And they're doing Jazz Hands.  How perfect.

Who knew we'd find Snorks doing Jazz Hands in Heaven on the back of a duck that we found swimming in a pond on the tail of a bear?  The universe is expansive and mysterious.  But one thing is for certain...Jazz Hands is at the root of it all.

Day forty-six complete.

PS:  Pops was his old self, back in his favorite spot today...glad to be back in the modern era.  Time travel is exhausting.

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