Sunday, February 17, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 48


I know a man that is very bright and one of the nicest humans, possibly of all time.  I am lucky to call him a friend and it would not be a stretch to consider him a modern day superhero. When he disclosed to me that "theater types" don't run around doing Jazz Hands all of the time, I was, to say the least, surprised.  This friend is a family man, is a very involved father and just recently pitched in to help put on the production of a play with his daughter. 

Were you aware that Oliver has zero Jazz Hands sequences in it?  That's a bunch of nonsense.

At any rate, during intermission our hero had the entire company of young actors participate in a group jazz handing to get them geared up and jazzercised for the second act.  Our hero reported the event back to me and I am proud to forward the development back on to you...certainly worth sharing.

It isn't exactly ALL the children of the world raising their Jazz Hands to the sky and singing together in the spirit of harmony and peace.  But it's a step in the right direction...a big thanks go to our hero for spreading the wealth of Jazz Hands and also for making my wish, at least in part, come true.

Now about the 30 million tax free dollars...

Day forty-eight complete.

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