Sunday, February 10, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 41


First and foremost, a warm welcome to our latest country and continent to join in the fun...Indonesia is easily our most distant reader by a fair margin.  I'm sending an enthusiastic jazz handing your way.  

Now onto today's topic...

Continuing on our theme of unintended consequences, do you recall Pops?  If you need a refresher, he's the Combo eating elderly street fellow from day fourteen.  In the same episode, we discussed cycles and patterns, so it's fitting that Pops re-emerges.  I don't want to call him a beggar or a homeless man, or a bum.  All of those labels seem condescending, presumptuous and unnecessary.  So for now I will merely describe him as "the man that I see asking for money on the street, but seems to have disappeared since I wrote of him on day fourteen."   It's a long name but it's fitting.  Or I can just call him "Pops" which also seems appropriate, since that's what his name tag says.  Either way, twenty-seven days sans-Pops is troubling.

Now go back to day twenty-eight when I stated that "I killed a tree once by writing about it."  

See where I'm going with this?

My subject matter would be limited to things like spiders, sunburns and dingleberries if I knew that writing about them would result in their destruction.  So this episode's purpose is to create a double negative.  Sound crazy?  Indeed it is, but I make the rules here.  If I see Pops this week during my morning commute, I'll know that this experiment worked.  If I do happen to see him, I'm going to deliver Combos and educate the man in the subject of Jazz Hands and I will report the results on this blog in a future episode.  So here's to double negatives working and the laws of unintended consequences reversing themselves.  

As for the lime tree that looks like a ghost of its former self...I will publish the story that potentially caused its demise as a bonus blog post, in the off chance that the double negative does the trick.  

Word of caution, the story about the lime tree has absolutely nothing to do with Jazz Hands and was written long before this blog's inception.

Day forty-one complete.

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