Friday, February 8, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 39


I was recently asked the question (by the voice in my head), if I'd rather associate with people that are satisfied, or people that are hungry?  I told him that it entirely depends on whether or not those people are cannibals.

That works literally and figuratively...

Onto a subject with Jazz Hands relevance for a change:

A Friday post seems as good as any to acknowledge and thank the few that have, on some level, paid a visit to my blog.  Or payed a visit to my blog, whichever version you prefer.

If I may, please accept my sincerest Jazz Hands solute if you have visited this blog intentionally or unintentionally.  Accept this Jazz Hands salute if you have read any portion of the blog and have come back for more, read it once never to return, or arrived by accident never to read a single line.  Accept this Jazz Hands salute if you visit my blog out of obligation and merely say you have read it even though you have only skimmed a line or two, due to my constant harassment and badgering. Accept this Jazz Hands salute if you have visited the blog, decided that it is way too long for your attention span to handle and moved on quickly to pictures of kittens cuddling with puppies accompanied by heartwarming messages, uploaded to Facebook by one of your high school friends that you haven't spoken to or seen in over twenty years, but somehow have a common fascination with puppy and kitten pictures accompanied by heartwarming messages posted on Facebook.

From the beginning to now, this post has been visited more than 1400 times, although about 1200 of those can be attributed to my proofreading visits, but 200 is still a good number.  Considering this is my obligation and nobody else has any requirement to participate, I am pleased that someone out there is visiting the blog and/or reading the content.

Those 1400 and counting visits have come from eight countries, spanning three continents.  So to all of you, I say thank you, gracias, obrigado, danke, hvala vam and merci (depending on where our Canadian reader calls home).

Today I enthusiastically jazz my hands to all of you...really...I did it just a few minutes ago.  You probably sensed something, but didn't realize what it was exactly.  That was my Jazz Hands salute.

Day thirty-nine complete.

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