Tuesday, February 5, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 34


The eyes reveal almost everything you need to know about someone's sincerity.  This is not the science of micro-expression, but merely a tool for the observant.  

Despite my reluctance, it turns out that I will, given the right circumstances, exhibit Jazz Hands by request.  It took not one genuine smile while the request was being made, but a history of genuine smiles.  Consistent, genuine happiness.  The world needs more genuinely happy people.  Denying them  Jazz Hands would be criminal.

The eyes are the reason I haven't particularly liked my Jazz Hands deployment in front of the mirror.  Jazz Hands is supposed to be an exuberant display of joy and excitement.  You can't just step up in front of a mirror and display Jazz Hands and call it a day.  You don't punch a clock, give yourself Jazz Hands, punch the clock and go home.  It just lacks genuinity.

This marks the last full day that the Three Wise Men are here and I genuinely wish they could stay longer.  I made at least three minor mistakes throughout the day (nothing new here, I make a lot of them) and would not mind a mulligan.

Jazz Hands had a quiet day, other than the impromptu fulfilled request without regrets.  Day thirty-four complete.

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