Wednesday, April 3, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 93


RULE #9:  A player can not make contact with the game ball more than once until they become eligible to do so again.

To clarify:  A player may not make purposeful contact with the game ball with successive hits.  If a player contacts the ball purposefully multiple times prior to another player making contact with the game ball (of any kind, intentional or not), that player will lose one life.

If the ball hits any part of a player's body, the contact may be considered unintentional or incidental rendering the player ball hit eligible.  If the player puts their hands up to block the face from a ferocious spike attempt and successfully prevents the game ball from making a direct impact onto their face, the block is considered to be an intentional hit, making the player ineligible to again make contact with the ball until it makes contact of any kind with another player, as previously stated.

The big distinction is purposeful versus unintentional game ball contact.  A real game example to illustrate:  A player may not kick the ball up to themselves and then spike the ball in sequence.

If there is a hit that is questionably intentional, game play can be halted and the play may be voted on amongst the remaining players not directly involved in the play.  If the vote is split, or if the game is being played by only two players in a one vs. one scenario, a rock, paper, scissors battle will settle the dispute.  Third party onlookers may also be asked to participate in the voting if they witnessed the questionable play.  This policy can be deployed in any questionable game play such as determining "gettable" versus "ungettable" balls, whether or not a player is guilty of cowering, or to question if an apology was uttered in the appropriate sarcastic manner.

Once any dispute is settled via vote and/or rock, paper, scissors, the decision is final...the guilty party deducts one life and the game ball is served up with the "Jazz Hands!!!" deploynouncement to commence play.

Today's Jazz Hands are hit eligible.  Day ninety-three complete.

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