Monday, April 22, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 112

MONDAY, APRIL 22nd, 2013  

If you are your own worst judge, then is it okay to be judgmental?  Judge not lest ye be judged yourself still applies, but since you are self-critical, does that give just license?

x^2+2xh+h^2 = (x+h)^2.\,\!

There is something really fascinating about a well-defined algorithm that can be used to solve any quadratic equation.  The algebraic identity so elegantly completes the square, as they say in certain math circles.

Take the quadratic equation in standard form, ax2 + bx + c = 0.

Now divide each side by a, the coefficient of x.  Then rearrange the equation so that the constant term c is on the right side.  Add the square of one-half of b, the coefficient of x, to both sides.  This completes the square, converting the left side into a perfect square.  Now write the left side as a square, and simplify the right side, if necessary.  Produce two linear equations by equating the square root of the left side with the positive and negative square roots of the right side.  Now you merely solve the two linear equations!

I write this to exemplify that there are things that are actually quantifiable.  Some things actually do have standard measurements.  Some things actually can be judged with the use of equations and facts.  Objectivity can be quite sophisticated and once analyzed, beautiful in its precision.

Today I am required to judge with the use of quantifiable measurements but draw subjective conclusions...Tis a tedious undertaking and the results will be anything but beautiful or precise...just like today's Jazz Hands deployment.

Today's Jazz Hands were the square root of subjectivity.  Day one-hundred and twelve complete.  

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