Saturday, April 27, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 117

SATURDAY, APRIL 27th, 2013  

Dear valued reader(s?),

The author of this blog, believe it or not, actually jazzes his hands every single day.  I am not certain how it is possible, but it seems that the embarrassing display gets worse with every deployment.

He has written about me from time to time, but it has been quite a while, most likely due to the fact that he fears my sense of reason.  He seems to feel threatened by the honesty I generously provide and he can not stand the fact that I believe contractions are overrated.  Mostly, he hates that I am always right.  Remember the deer?  I told him that would occur.  That happens to be the last time you heard about me, if I am not mistaken.

He can choose to ignore me, but he can not shut me up.  I will continue to be that nagging voice in his ear, and I will not stop preying on his propensity for self-doubt.

Go ahead, keep reading.  Your author will continue to deploy his jazzings and he will continue to write about them...or as it turns out, continue to write about whatever the hell he feels like and pretend it is related to Jazz Hands.  

Just know that you are an enabler.  And so long as he jazzes and so long as you read about whatever it is he writes about, I will be the itch he can not scratch.  

I am his slow descent into madness...



PS.  This is what part of the alphabet would look like if 'Q' and 'R' were eliminated.  Alright.  

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