Saturday, April 27, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 116

FRIDAY, APRIL 26th, 2013  

Today a colleague arrived to our lovely place of business on schedule and two hours early all at once, proving that the earth is spinning faster than it had before or that time travel is possible after all.  Since there is no actual, scientific evidence that our planet has increased its rate of rotation, time travel is the logical explanation.

Colleague was both from the future and of the present.  Since he is from the future, there is a considerable likelihood that too much of his time is spent living in the past.  A trap everyone inevitably falls into now and again.

If time is an irrelevant, manmade construct, how do you explain anticipation?  And if you can travel back in time, can you retroactively anticipate?  This time travel stuff is confounding.  

I have now deployed the first hand jazzing of the weekend in anticipation (the standard variety) of some much needed lollygagging...knowing full well that the weekend will be gone in the blink of an eye.

Today's Jazz Hands tried to keep pace.  Day one-hundred and sixteen complete.

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