Tuesday, April 30, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 120

TUESDAY, APRIL 30th, 2013  

42 (forty-two) is the natural number immediately following forty-one and directly preceding forty-three (thanks for the enlightenment, Wiki).  It is also the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything," according to the Douglas Adams highly regarded literary work, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

According to the book, the answer is easy.  It is finding the right question that proves to be the difficult part.  

Also noteworthy, forty-two happens to be the number of days that blood can be stored at forty-two degrees fahrenheit.  You can freeze blood on a long-term basis as well (thanks to Harold Meryman - see photo of the happy fella with the cow below), but that requires glycerol, a chemical preservative used to prevent the formation of ice, and of course, liquid nitrogen.   

Why is this information important?  All in due time, dear reader(s).

The takeaway from this entry is to be certain to ask the right questions.  Answers are irrelevant if you've got the question wrong.  

Today I ask the question, "how does this relate to Jazz Hands?"  But if you want the correct answer, that is the wrong question to ask, obviously.

Happy Fella with Cow

Today's Jazz Hands delivered a calf through a freeze-drying experiment.  Day one-hundred and twenty complete.

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