Thursday, April 11, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 101

THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 2013

At the onset of every day I have seemingly infinite Jazz Hands options at my many options, in fact, that it becomes very difficult to decide on any one particular deployment.  As a result, I fall back on an old familiar, tried and true version that I feel relatively comfortable with...Surprise Attack Jazz Hands!  Unfortunately I don't feel at peace with this decision at all, and not just because I look stupid.  

Over the course of one lifespan, the average person has an infinite number of paths to choose from.  Of course those paths can be neatly categorized as you can imagine.  There are paths that are righteous, less traveled, circular, one way, wrong way, high, low, left, right and everything in between.  Infinite covers a lot of ground, you see.

Although some paths can be defined clearly as bad or as good and the difference is black and white, there is a ton of gray area to be found and there seems to be a deficit of color coded road maps to assist in guiding the way.  

As soon as you step onto one particular path, millions of options disappear while an infinite number of new ones emerge.  

Enter paralysis.

Being metaphorically paralyzed by choice leads to the literal adherence to familiarity and we all know familiarity begets contempt and oblivion.  

Some days I settle for oblivion...perhaps tomorrow I'll throw more caution to the wind and step outside of this tidy, hand jazzing comfort zone.

Today's Jazz Hands is investing in a good compass.  Day one-hundred and one complete.

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