Sunday, March 10, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 69

SUNDAY, MARCH 10th, 2013

Fingers crossed.

I dislike the idea of beating a dead horse...but for every new horse, an old one has to die...and get beaten.  Destruction begets creation and in turn, creation begets destruction.  This is the cycle of our existence.  Get used to it.

Hours are spent today maneuvering leaves (thousands of them) into one very large, manageable pile.   A cold spell renders the world dormant until the silence is broken with warmth.  Destruction ensues as a path must be forged for continuity and the assurance of legacy.

A gust of wind dispenses the leaves as the newbies gain their brief stronghold.  Call it a miracle.  Call it fate.  Call it whatever you like.  Every leaf falls into place, neatly on top of the pile I have created.  Not a single one falls out of line.  I ask myself, as eloquently as I can possible ask:  


If you have ever raked.  If you have ever been tasked with placing thousands of very light, fleet objects into one large, manageable pile on a windy day, you understand how absurd a concept this is.  If every gust of wind pushes these brief flickers into one convenient location...this is nothing short of a miracle.

I wish I could tell you that this was the result of planets aligned.  I wish I could tell you that on this day everything, miraculously, worked out perfectly.  I wish I could tell you that this event...this "every leaf in the right place" event was not the highlight of my day.  Unfortunately, I can not.

I have no idea how I will handle a real, personal crisis when the time comes.  On my forthcoming day of crisis, I hope that reason and logic dictate my response.  I hope that in my darkest hour I have the dignity to embrace the embodiment of Jazz Hands (speaking of the royal "Jazz Hands" of course).

Today I deployed Jazz Hands because it seemed necessary...not because I really wanted to.  Today's Jazz Hands are dedicated to all of those pensive leaves, clinging to their branch on a cold day.

Day sixty-nine complete.

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