Thursday, March 7, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 66


"Morass" is defined as a complicated or confused situation, or could also indicate a boggy, marsh woodland area.  "More ass" on the other hand means something completely different.  That was more for the international community, just in case there was some confusion between the two.

Speaking of morass...

Please direct your attention to one of the more elusive creatures known to this photo posted below you will find one of the more famous images ever taken of Big Foot.  Incidentally, it is the picture that proved once and for all that he does, in fact, roam the morass woodlands of North America.  Pictures do not lie.

Big Foot

Moving on to an even more elusive creature roaming morass woodlands...has anyone seen Evangeline Lilly since her role as Kate Austen in the most frustrating show of all time, "Lost?"  Notice the eery resemblance to Big Foot?  It is probably stating the obvious that the two photos are nearly identical in every possible way, except the amount of hair and while Big Foot is definitely hiking the morass countryside, Lilly is showing a bit more ass. 

Evangeline Lilly
Mind boggling, is it not?

If that were not enough, FINALLY, an extremely rare image of this blog's author...caught in the act of Jazz Hands.  "Surprise Attack Jazz Hands" no less!

Author of blog
Less hair than the previous two, slightly less morass than Lilly, but a tiny bit more ass than Big Foot...aside from that, the three images are practically identical.  This can not be a coincidence.

Let the conspiracy theories begin.

Today's morass Jazz Hands were caught on film.  Day sixty-six complete.

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