Sunday, March 10, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 68


I have a Cuban neighbor.  Or Puerto Rican neighbor.  I have written about him before, and if you know anything about him and his lifestyle, he is definitely not Mexican.  How do we know this?  He reminds us every time we call him my "Mexican" neighbor.  Apparently, it is insulting to call someone "Mexican" when they are not "Mexican."  Personally, I believe that it is an insult.  Mexican or Cuban or Puerto Rican...Do not be offended.  You are all God's creatures, with various tastes in food (Mexicans like beans and rice, while Cubans like rice and beans, while Puerto Ricans love rice and beans and pork). 

Is it offensive to call a Puerto Rican a Cuban if they are not Cuban?  Is it offensive to call a Cuban a Puerto Rican if they are not Puerto Rican?  We all love you...despite our differences in taste.  

The point is that my Puerto Cuban neighbor Jazz Handed me as a salutation today, and I felt that it adequately represented the entire Latino community, fairly.  The entire Latino world seems brimming with hand jazziness.  Maybe that's the beans talking.

When my Puerto Cuban Neighbor friend hand jazzed me, I pretended that his gesture was absurd (I do not want to inflate the Latino ego).  Shame on me, yes, I know...but when he turned his back I Hand Jazzed him right back.  He has no idea that I admire the Latino community and their propensity to Jazz Hand.  He has no idea that I feel a sense of kinship between us now that he has fully embraced the cross-cultural barriers that Jazz Hands destroys.  He has no idea that I love beans and rice or rice and beans and especially pork.

To all of the Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Mexicans, Puerto Cubans, Mexibans, Nerds, Dildos and Dweebs...I salute you with my Jazz Hands.  We are one.

Today's Jazz Hands lack political correctness.  Day sixty-nine complete.

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