Thursday, January 17, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 1


I will not bore you with the details of how we arrived at this point, instead I shall bore you with the details from this point forward.

Admittedly, "Jazz Hands" in the mirror every day for the entirety of 2013 is as ambitious as it promises to be awkward.  Having deployed "Jazz Hands" in the past spontaneously, jovially and in a social setting I feel confident that a daily ritual in the mirror will feel natural...but standing in the mirror, early morning, it is anything but.  I was up late with friends and family to bring in the new year and now I'm up early with a six hour road trip to the Florida Keys ahead of me.  Islamorada more specifically..."Jazz Hands" is the last thing I feel like doing.  I go for it like pulling off a Band Aid with eerily similar results.  Day one complete.

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