Sunday, January 20, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 20

SUNDAY, JANUARY 20th, 2013

The good news is that my Jazz Hands breakthrough should revolutionize how I deploy the daily hand jazzing.  The bad news is that I really don't care to become a well rounded dancer, care to move my entire body with Jazz Hands being the exclamation point, or care to figure out how to deploy Jazz Hands so that it looks authentic in general.  So here's the breakthrough of the breakthrough:  I do not care if I look ridiculous or look like I'm doing it correctly.  I'd rather jazz my hands wrong and look goofy doing it than take it seriously and look stupid (even if there's nobody there to see it).

I find Liza Minelli irritating, do not particularly enjoy musicals and have zero appreciation for the art of the dance.  The more I attempt to find real appreciation of Jazz Hands implemented in modern dance, the less appreciation I have for it.

The only time I've ever really enjoyed dancing of any kind is back in college.  Roommate and I would dress up as Barry and LeVon (based loosely on the characters of the same name from a show called "The State") on 70s night at the local bar, blame some dudes sitting near us for stealing our beers and then stumble home.

Long story short, I try the real thing today and have no business trying to do "proper" Jazz Hands justice.  It is more interesting to me as a punch line rather than an exclamation point.  Day twenty complete.

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