Wednesday, January 23, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 23


Remember our discussion regarding routine and how it begets complacency?  No?  Well, I assure you that the topic was explored and discussed.  You probably fell asleep.  Under closer inspection, I'd like to adjust that assessment.  I'll wake you when it's over.

In fact when you do something over and over again, look at something over and over again, hear something over and over again, say something over and over again, over and over again, over and over again, and over and over again, you can go one of two ways.  You can allow complacency to beget the heck out of you, or you can take the opportunity to closely inspect until the begetting brings distortion and ambiguity.  

You would think that the more you observe the same surroundings or experience the same begettings the more you would become familiar...but if you've ever looked at anything under a microscope, you'd realize that closer inspection gives you new information.  Go ahead and stare at a Seurat painting for a while and then report back what you see.

Say the same word over and over again until it completely loses all meaning.  This is all a form of deconstructionism.  You take something intact and notice all of its parts independently until it loses shape and form.  Structure begone.

If you recall we discussed destruction as a form of creation...this is a distortion of the same concept.  

The more I do Jazz Hands the more I question what Jazz Hands is supposed to look and feel like.  You'd think that muscle memory would take over at some point but here we are twenty-three days in and I seem to know less than on day one and am now questioning it more every single day.  When implemented spontaneously, shape and form seem fine.  Standing in front of the mirror for deployment this morning, all meaning is deteriorated...a collapsed structure.

Maybe that's the point.  Observe to destroy to begin anew.  Tear it down, build it back up.  Creation via destruction.  Maybe I'm just wading knee deep in the deconstruction phase...I see a pattern emerging, and it's soooooo begetting.  Distorted and ambiguous, no?  Day twenty-three complete.  Open your eyes.

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