Saturday, January 19, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 19

As mentioned in yesterday's entry I had an epiphany.  I have seen many an example of precision Jazz Hands, have seen many a failed attempt every day for the past eighteen days in the mirror and the missing link has finally dawned on me.

Jazz Hands is not a "hands" thing at all.  It isn't even a hands and arms thing.  And no, this isn't one of those days where I go off the deep end and claim that Jazz Hands is a state of mind (although I will not go out of my way to dispute that either).

Jazz Hands is an entire body thing.  

Standing there in the mirror flailing my hands and arms around, saying the words "Jazzzzz Hands!!!!" out loud like an idiot, is an exercise in futility.  Even when I became more disciplined, learning from the masters, the movements seemed in the ballpark, but it always fell way short of the mark.  

With the entire body in a controlled fit of expression, the arms and hands are merely the exclamation point, not the entire point.  This is a gigantic breakthrough for me.  Now it's time to go break some rules.  Not Jazz Hands types of rules, just your basic, run of the mill looting and pillaging types.  Day nineteen complete.

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