Thursday, January 17, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 10


To begin today's journey, I have locked Cat outdoors.  For you northerners following along, don't is a sunny, warm January morning.  I have learned over the course of the past nine or so days that walking to the mirror and executing "Jazz Hands" is fairly lame.  I try striking a pose first.  No.  Not that pose.  I try a new one.  No.  That's not it either.  I don't have many poses and I question whether or not all of this is in vain?  Maybe I just don't know enough about "Jazz Hands" overall to conduct it effectively.  I'm sure that's Wikipedia we go.  As it turns out, the actual origination of "Jazz Hands" is not entirely known.  The dance move was prominently featured in the movie "The Jazz Singer" starring Al Jolson in 1927, and from my extensive research (5 minutes this morning) that's the earliest documented instance.  Al Jolson was considered "The Greatest Entertainer Alive" in his day and well, that's a great start for a famed dance move.  Although I've never seen the movie in its entirety, there are some clips available on YouTube.  There are some close encounters with "Jazz Hands" in those clips, brushing softly against hand jazzing destiny, but they fall slightly shy of the mark.  I don't know if I have it in me to watch the film, not in its original form and not the Neil Diamond remake.  So I'll take it on Wikipedia's authority that Al Jolson is the grandaddy of "Jazz Hands" landing in our hearts (and hands) in 1927.  Day ten complete.

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