There is a fair amount of embarrassment associated with revisiting old Jazz Hands posts. Going back and reading some of the early work has revealed an alarming volume of poor writing, misspellings and grammatical errors on the whole. January alone is laughable and may have more incorrect grammar than not.
This begs the question why either of you bothered reading anything past the January entries at all.
I intend to read through the entire year's worth of Jazz Hands posts within the next few days in order to endure precisely what both readers have experienced each and every day of the past eleven months or so. The hope is that I begin to notice that all of the errors and poor craftsmanship improve over time.
There is one detail I'd like to make abundantly clear and it has been stated before, hopefully with similar clarity, but for anyone questioning any of the motives heading into this blogfest, I readily admit that this started out as, is currently and will continue to be an exercise of total self-absorption right up until the bitter end.
My biggest complaint about social media and humanity in general is that it has become abundantly self serving. The world must really want to know each and every move we people make due to the accessibility to broadcast those moves to the public at large. Or is it just that individuals have a relentless need for the world to know their whereabouts and goings ons, so the broadcasting of such moves has become increasingly accessible as a result of our collective selfish endeavors?
There is an independent study that suggests the majority of social media network users do not give a shit that I enjoyed a martini last night, despite the artistic photograph I've posted with a nice sunset in the background. Those same users are uninterested in the sporting events I attend, the vacation spots I visit, and the political views I am adamant about.
They really love images of hippos and turtles that have become unlikely companions, however.
Does anyone care about my thoughts on gun control, health reform, or stem cell research? How about my Candy Crush score?
Does anyone have sympathy that I'm in the downy dumps with sniffles, underscored with a photo of a little plastic shot glass filled with red syrupy liquid and a box of tissues, or that I endured a tough day at the office, underscored with a photo of a shot glass filled with amber colored liquid?
The point is that I see the blatant hypocrisy of my intent. It's quite obvious. These posts have revolved around me me and even more of me. It started with me, it continues with a lot of me, and will ultimately end with me. Me and my bad grammar, lackluster hand jazzings and pointless laments.
I have provided insight into my everyday, underscored with photos of beverages, vacation spots and hippos befriending turtles.
Has this been nothing more than an embellished Twitter feed?
All that said, I have given both readers a portal into a very personal universe. Heart and soul on display and in some way this reflects what I believe most find appealing about social media networks and how connected they feel to a greater purpose. If a tequila shot on a Saturday night in Mexico is an incredible experience, why not express that to the world? Even though your followers will condemn you for bragging and most likely breeze past your incredibly composed photo on their way to posting a complaint about coworkers, there's no reason not embrace the idea of connection. Social media has exposed a human need to share on an unprecedented level, which is the reason we collectively spend hours of our time, alone, posting comments in a social context. We're building a quaint environment where it is possible to spend all of our time alone, together.
All that said, I have given both readers a portal into a very personal universe. Heart and soul on display and in some way this reflects what I believe most find appealing about social media networks and how connected they feel to a greater purpose. If a tequila shot on a Saturday night in Mexico is an incredible experience, why not express that to the world? Even though your followers will condemn you for bragging and most likely breeze past your incredibly composed photo on their way to posting a complaint about coworkers, there's no reason not embrace the idea of connection. Social media has exposed a human need to share on an unprecedented level, which is the reason we collectively spend hours of our time, alone, posting comments in a social context. We're building a quaint environment where it is possible to spend all of our time alone, together.
After reading through January, I found the daily contents fairly amusing in a reminiscent kind of way, yet I could not help but feel foolish, more so regarding the total self immersion than the grammatical miscues. Surprisingly, last January's posts were actually about deploying Jazz Hands.
To be honest, I have thoroughly enjoyed the process of the daily writing and will likely continue to write, albeit on a somewhat less frequent basis. However, the subject matter will have to evolve into something other than me myself and I.
To be honest, I have thoroughly enjoyed the process of the daily writing and will likely continue to write, albeit on a somewhat less frequent basis. However, the subject matter will have to evolve into something other than me myself and I.
We've all had quite enough of my self-indulgence.
Day three-hundred and fifty-two complete.
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