Saturday, December 7, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 341


Just to clarify, "shattering the glass" is a metaphor.  I am not about to go around breaking mirrors as there is some value in the next seven years of my life, or so I like to think.

2,554 Days of Bad Luck would make for a long, depressing series and my guess is that I'd lose the interest of both readers somewhere around day two (that's 365 times 7 minus 1 day, accounting for a leap year, for those wondering about the math).

I'd also like to clarify one other detail regarding yesterday's post, and expose what, on the surface, may appear to be a contradiction.

To quote myself, I mentioned that the main character of this 365 day narrative has been reflection all along.  More appropriately, reflection has been somewhat of this narrative's antagonist all along.  That's not to say that antagonists can not be the main character within said narrative, in fact there are plenty of examples of this very dynamic in modern storytelling.  If an antagonist is to qualify for main character status, they are, by the laws of modern narrativism, required to be a fairly sympathetic character, like a serial killer that is compelled to only terrorize those that are slightly more evil than themselves.  

Perhaps the reflection is filling that role of the sympathetic villain for us, and although the antagonistic hero's conclusion rarely consists of wine and roses, their endings are hardly unjustified or insignificant.  The sympathetic, antagonistic hero's death is typically wrought with meaning and more times than not their demise serves as a threshold, or portal of sorts, and is merely the beginning of something much greater.  

Destruction is creation, you see.

If the reflection is our sympathetic antagonist, that leaves Jazz Hands as the ultimate hero.  Not literal Jazz Hands, though.  The Royal Jazz Hands, which is the way we look at each and every day.  Embracing our precious moments is the only way any of us will truly live happily ever after, after all is said and done.  

I believe that this specific aspect of deploying Jazz Hands every single day for an entire year was the entire point of even suggesting the daily hand jazzing routine for my new years resolution almost one year ago.  

So there you have it.  The Royal Jazz Hands is our true protagonist...and befitting the recurring theme of routine and cycles, it is this hero that will ride off into the sunset after shattering the glass and slaughtering the pesky antagonistic dragons, whether you sympathized with them and their fire breathing ways, or not.

Today's Jazz Hands gave away the ending.

Day three-hundred and forty-one complete.

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