Tuesday, October 22, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 305


Salt is very important when it comes to time travel as we are now abundantly aware.  However, when it comes to giving blood, iron is a critical asset to any healthy donor as is sugar.  The latter being the trickiest of the two when it comes to the waiting period between visits to the blood bus.

Iron can be accounted for by diet and supplements, although supplements are almost completely useless overall.  Nothing beats a healthy dose of red meat now and again when it comes to iron.  

Sugar on the other hand can not be adequately accounted for by eating candy bars.  You can try, and you'll likely enjoy it, but somehow more useless than preventing anemia with manufactured iron supplements.

Forty-two days is the minimum recommendation for the waiting period to allow the red blood cells within your body to regenerate.  Less than forty-two days and you're placing yourself at risk of passing out due to low blood-sugar levels and ultimately severe illness, potentially long-term and/or permanent damage.  The blood normally allocated to the digestive system rushes to the brain, which is not commonly thought of as advantageous.

The trick, after a healthy dose of donationing, is to lie very still and drink syrup.  Some like apple juice, grape juice perhaps, some may even like grapple juice.  Whatever your poison, the key here is sugar and time.  

If you get the sweats, a fever, headache, nausea, double vision, the spins or see little cartoon blue birds flying circles around the perimeter of your head, it's best to just lie down and wait it out.  The human body is equipped to recover given the right circumstances.

If you find yourself in position to donate more regularly than what a medical professional might recommend, first of all don't tell them, second of all, don't press your luck.  Donate frequently in two week successions, but then go on a donation hiatus for a while, let the cell population grow healthy and strong again.  

A good life can't be had without the proper balance of risk so long as the reward is well worth the gamble.  Just be sure to have enough grapple juice handy.

Today's Jazz Hands are not anemic nor sugar deprived.

Day three-hundred and five complete.

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