Saturday, October 26, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 299


On some days I feel her warm breath, on others her cutting teeth.  She is a blessing, a curse, a prowling lioness watching my every move...and if I continue writing like this, today's Jazz Hands will sound like a Meatloaf song.

Besides, likening time to hungry predators is more of a Sunday thing.  As for now, I'm focused on today's specific method of matter what version I choose, they will inspire awe.  They would inspire awe if I chose to deploy them in the company of others, which I will not...but still...awe inspiring Jazz Hands for an audience of me.  

Today's Jazz Hands are glad they went back to live this day.  Skipping it would have been a tragedy.

Day two-hundred and ninety-nine complete.

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