Thursday, August 1, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 213


If Sundays are cliché, Mondays ambiguous, Tuesdays metaphorical, and Wednesdays ironic, then Thursdays are reserved for continuity.  Since it is the first day of August, I give you an updated statistical data update.

The latest hand jazzers to join our fun are from the European nation of Ireland.  I assumed we had that country covered when "United Kingdom" was listed, but now Ireland shows up independently, similarly to Serbia being listed independent from Serbia and Montenegro, which actually became two separate countries somewhere around 2006 or 2007...why they were listed together in the software is a matter of conjecture, I have now corrected the list to reflect modern cartography.  Additionally, Hong Kong, although officially part of China, is listed as its own country, since Hong Kongers have their own currency and stock exchange.  That's good enough for me.

We all speak the same Jazz Hands, which is really the only thing that matters here.

Now pushing 7,000 visits, I think it's important to point out that the majority of traffic comes from the United States, followed by a large volume of Russia and a heavy dose of Germany.  Several other nations are steady streamers, and our sponsors appreciate even the most modest of our readers (and by sponsors I mean me).

Our cumulative list of nations include the following:

Continents (6): North America (3), South America (4), Europe (23), Asia (14), Australia (1) and Africa (3).

Countries (46): USA, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Spain, PortugalCzech Republic, Serbia, MontenegroSweden, FinlandBulgariaSwitzerland, Croatia, England, Ireland, Italy, France, Poland, Russia, Netherlands, Denmark, Ukraine, Belgium, Turkey, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Pakistan, Taiwan, VietnamPhilippinesHong Kong, South Korea, Japan, India, Australia, Ghana, Morocco and South Africa.

For those of you that are from far off lands, please feel free to email me to say hello.  I'd love to know if you are real or a figment of my imagination.  Heck, even those domestic readers can send me a note if it be your will. is a fine place to reach me.  Although you have the option to submit comments below within this blog, this is an opportunity to tell me your least favorite thing about me and/or these Jazz Hands entries, in private.

Todays Jazz Hands would love to hear from you.

Day two-hundred and thirteen complete.

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