Today is Prioritization Saturday. The goal is to scrutinize the specific order and importance of things, rank items from top to bottom, best to worst, least to most, favorable to detestable.
For starters, Saturdays rank #1 overall in the order of days of the week (Tuesdays taking last place, of course). Saturday is the first day of the week that sleeping in a tad becomes acceptable, although not very probable. Improbable due to Family Dog jumping on my chest and licking me in the face. This would normally irritate me on the average day, knowing I were required to drag myself into the shower to get ready for a long day in my place of pretend importance. But Saturdays are not ordinary days.
Instead the lick in the face alarm clock signifies that it's time to drag myself out of bed for a long day of whatever the hell I want to do in some combination of a few things I have to do. Like scrutinizing and prioritizing and making lists and checking them twice.
What I choose to do with those lists are another story. The House of Ego needs a lot of this and that and the scrutinized list of priorities to accommodate said House of Ego's needs is overwhelmingly long. Hence the prioritization of things to do within and around it.
Not only does the House of Ego need a lot of undivided attention which requires a prioritized list of attention needing things, it requires more than one list. There is the list that consists of the inside things to do and then there's the list that consists of the outside things to do. First we must rank which order we tackle each of those lists.
It's raining, so the list of things to do inside ranks #1 of which list gets top priority.
Of course there are other lists to consider consisting of Saturday social tasks like places to eat, taking Family Dog for a long walk through the new neighborhood, unusually long showers, enjoying an extra cup of coffee, wine shopping, and, of course, the making of lists and the prioritizing and scrutinizing of not only the items on the list but of the lists themselves. Entertainment at its finest.
Of course this does not paint the entire picture, and the possibilities are endless besides the fact that there is not enough time in the day to accomplish all of the necessities AND the wantities. Again, a sign that the importance of prioritizing is ever relevant.
I will not neglect myself of Saturday's entertainment value, I can not avoid the time a Saturday affords me to accomplish necessary tasks around the home and it would be a crime against humanity if the responsibility to jazz my hands is overlooked.
Today's Jazz Hands are top priority.
Day two-hundred and forty-three complete.