This will be the final day of blog hijacking from me. Your author will return tomorrow (or "on the morrow" as your author would regrettably phrase it), hopefully fond of my assistance with his daily posts.
I'll leave you with a few brief tidbits of information, the first regarding your author...
He has a trick up his long sleeves. Is he hiding something? Likely nothing earth shattering...and nothing he hasn't already disclosed.
Another bit of information is that he himself has a collection of coffee mugs that could serve as a complete employment history section on his resume. Why he doesn't get that, I don't know...but that was merely my way of having a bit of psychological fun with him. He'll figure it out soon enough.
And finally, regarding Case Study #3...your author is carrying this game out pretty long and to be honest, I'm bored with his antics. I already know the conclusion, so I'm going to come out and tell you that the authorities do not close the case, but they are baffled and have moved on for the most part. Neither man in question has been found alive. Neither man has been found...period. I believe the point your author is making with this murder case, whether it's as clever of a point as he thinks or not, is that death is a form of creation. In this particular death (or deaths), a baffling mystery is born, along with an enormous mess and piles of paperwork for crime scene officials. Destruction is it.
My time as your interim poster is done.
Today's Jazz Hands have been hijacked for the last time (for a while, at least).
Day two-hundred and seventy-two complete.
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