Monday, September 2, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 245


I sit here all nonplussed this quiet Monday morning, drinking a coke and eating leftover Mexican cuisine for my breakfast, hoping that today's events are memorable in some way, shape or form.  

I'd prefer not to get into the habit of inadvertently skipping over perfectly good days of the week.

Tremors follow their earthquakes just as earthquakes follow the consumption of Mexican cuisine.  I suspect that today will see its fair share of upheld probabilities...otherwise, I will attempt my finest deployment of Jazz Hands to date and make this day one well worth embracing...tremors or not.

As it stands, there will never be another Monday, September 2nd, 2013.  This is the last one I'll ever get.  It's time to go make the most of things.  Time's a wasting...

Day two-hundred and forty-five forthcoming...

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