Friday, September 13, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 256


Today is Jazz Hands Extravaganza Friday.  

I deployed enthusiastic hand jazzings at every possible opportunity because it is Friday.  I jazzed my hands once for every accomplished task, large or small.  I jazzed my hands for every time I settled a difference with Mitch.  I jazzed my hands because I wore a short sleeve shirt.  I jazzed my hands upon listening to a great song.  I jazzed my hands when I felt as though I could change the world.  I jazzed my hands when I acknowledged the reality of not changing the world.  I jazzed my hands when my office shrank by 10%.  I jazzed my hands when it regained 5% of its total mass and then jazzed my hands feeling that 5% smaller is no significant loss at all.

I jazzed my hands to pop singers that incorrectly describe irony as a man that hates flying, dying in a plane crash.  I jazzed my hands adjusting the scenario to a man that hates flying that drives to his destination as a safer alternative but a crashing plane lands on his car, to accurately depict irony. 

I jazzed my hands admitting that the more accurate depiction of irony would have made for a terribly bad pop song.

I jazzed my hands to friendly conversations about irony with coworkers around the water cooler.

I jazzed my hands to York Peppermint Patties, smoked salmon, Blue Meanies and clients hating the results of their projects.  I jazzed my hands to reverb, guitar distortion, new, overpriced t-shirts and clients not responding to emails, voicemails or smoke signals.

I jazzed my hands to Friday the 13th, superstitions, plastic toy clicks and mysterious red blurs.

I jazzed my hands to scary movies, asparagus urine and using too many words.

Today I jazzed my hands in appreciation of just about everything, good, bad and all things in between.  Everything is worthy of a hand jazzing given the right perspective.  Even when I jazz my hands to shake a booger off of my finger, and then have no idea where it landed.  

Okay, that last one was ridiculous.

These Jazz Hands are because Fridays give me the right perspective.

Day two-hundred and fifty-six complete.

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