Saturday, July 27, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 207

FRIDAY, JULY 26th, 2013

Northerly Northland Travelogue Day Six.

Swift, final farewells are made as Family, Plus One and I climb into the car for a thirteen-hundred mile journey south, leaving Northerly Northland behind.

Transition was the theme of this summer's vacation, as all vacations seem to be based on their overwhelming briefness and we too shall transition our lives back to routine.  Our thickening blood, getting used to slightly cooler temperatures will need a thinning up as the air will warm considerably the further south we travel.  

Along the way we take a short hike to view impressive waterfalls, water transitioning from one place to another, carving rocks with time and pressure.  

I jazz my hands to the violent journey millions of gallons of water travel, hoping our journey south will be far less turbulent.  An overnight drive awaits.  Best get to it.

Day two-hundred and seven complete.

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