Sunday, July 14, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 194

SATURDAY, JULY 13th, 2013

The drive was long and tiring, but I was rewarded at the end of the journey with great friends, great food and a great photo forwarded to me from the soggy streets of greater Tampa Bay.

The image above is physical proof that Pops is both resilient and otherworldly.  Or that he is a very strong swimmer.  Or that his disappearance was not tied to tragedy.

The photo was taken by our resident Mexicuban from a location not far from where Pops usually sets up shop.  Without a doubt, that's our guy.  Notice the zombie posture and trademark red hat.  Nice find, ethnic neighbor.

Another notable detail regarding the picture:  It appears the relentless rain has shown enough mercy to allow the streets of greater Tampa to dry up, at least momentarily.  

Today's Jazz Hands were deployed in good company.  Day one-hundred and ninety four-complete.

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