Thursday, July 11, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 192

THURSDAY, JULY 11th, 2013

To be perfectly honest, time travel is not as cut and dry as you may think or want to believe.  For starters, it is quite disorienting.  Time and space are relative, as you know, and have an abundance of volatility, as you may not know.

As it happens, the past and future are difficult to differentiate. All of time feels very similar from a physical standpoint, and what you perceive as the future could very well be history.

The one thing most time travelers will not disclose is that the future offers many, many options, and nothing that happens tomorrow or beyond, is set completely in stone.

Hypothetically speaking, I could travel to the same day in the future on three separate occasions and have three completely differing experiences.  One could argue, and it would be a good argument, that my perspective at the point of arrival may dramatically influence the experience.  But that does not reflect my point.  The future is mere potential, and any visit is but one small glimpse of possibility.

That's the trouble with the future.

The trouble with the past is that it never looks quite how you remember it, which can be corrosive.  Viewing time gone by with a learned perspective changes everything.  And since you are who you are based on the cumulation of moments and experiences, just think what may result by seeing any one of those moments with a refocused lens.

Of course, this is all assuming that you can differentiate between what has been, what is and what will (might) be.  Time travel can be a bitch.

I believe I have seen the future, and there is both good and bad to report.  Nothing worth having is attained without a bit of spilt blood, which covers the bad news.  The good news is that nothing worth having is attained without a bit of spilt blood.

Today's Jazz Hands don't know if they're going up or down.

Day one-hundred and ninety-two complete.

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