Saturday, November 30, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 334


Salt for breakfast.  Salt for lunch.  Salt for dinner.  Salt, salt salt.  

I just love love love salt.  Salty salty salt salt.  Can't get enough salt.

Except it's not working.  And I don't actually love salt that much, really.  A little bit goes a long way, truth be told.  Time hasn't ceased to progress and living this past week over again is seemingly quite unlikely.  All of the necessary steps were taken, why the time traveling did not happen the way it is supposed to is anyone's guess.  

All good things must come to an end, and as it stands, time travel is not immune to that fact.  It's best to embrace the week for what it was and march forward, just like time suggests we should.  Quite a good lesson to note as tomorrow marks the beginning of the final month of 365 Days of Jazz Hands.  As these posts wind down it will ultimately lead to a final farewell. There is no cheating our endings and not a single grain of salt can change this inevitability. 

For everything there is a season.  And 'tis the season for the acceptance of goodbyes.

Today's Jazz Hands are very thirsty for some reason.

Day three-hundred and thirty-four complete.

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