Sunday, November 10, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 314


The coffee pot hisses.  

The washing machine spins and churns.

There is a power source contributing a constant hum, subtly surging and subsiding and I cannot figure out the origin of this particular sound.  Is it inside the house?  In the attic?  Are the neighbors into some freaky high voltage shit?  I've searched high and low...but nothing but a mysterious hum, source unknown.

The birds either sing elegant songs or caw annoying screeches, and some screech annoying caws, but never ever ever do I ever hear a bird sing an elegant screech or screech an elegant song.  

I saw an owl yesterday at twilight.  He was a charming little fellow.  He asked "who?"

An aeroplane over the house roars high above.

The jug, balanced high atop the water cooler gives a loud burp.

The pool filter gurgles to life.

The family cat clicks.  Honestly, I do not have the first clue how to describe these noises coming from the cat.  It certainly is not the standard cat noise one comes to expect to hear coming out of a cat.  Something of a chatter or uncontrollable tick. 

The family dog sighs.   

But what do today's Jazz Hands say?  

"A-bubu-duh-bubu-dwee-dum, a-bubu-duh-bubu-dwee dum!"

Day three-hundred and fourteen complete.

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