Saturday, November 30, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 334


Salt for breakfast.  Salt for lunch.  Salt for dinner.  Salt, salt salt.  

I just love love love salt.  Salty salty salt salt.  Can't get enough salt.

Except it's not working.  And I don't actually love salt that much, really.  A little bit goes a long way, truth be told.  Time hasn't ceased to progress and living this past week over again is seemingly quite unlikely.  All of the necessary steps were taken, why the time traveling did not happen the way it is supposed to is anyone's guess.  

All good things must come to an end, and as it stands, time travel is not immune to that fact.  It's best to embrace the week for what it was and march forward, just like time suggests we should.  Quite a good lesson to note as tomorrow marks the beginning of the final month of 365 Days of Jazz Hands.  As these posts wind down it will ultimately lead to a final farewell. There is no cheating our endings and not a single grain of salt can change this inevitability. 

For everything there is a season.  And 'tis the season for the acceptance of goodbyes.

Today's Jazz Hands are very thirsty for some reason.

Day three-hundred and thirty-four complete.

Friday, November 29, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 333


And all is now quiet on the southern front.

Like all other great things, so to do fond visits from Northerly Northlanders expire.  Now firmly in the cold grasp of their icy climate, the only remnants of our time together are souvenirs, photographs, leftovers from a feast and memories.  

I can still hear the children playing and the loud laughter amongst friends and the discussions regarding poop.  Mere echoes now.

If I could only hit the rewind button and experience it all over again.  

There is a paper decoration of a goofy looking turkey on the table next to me as I type this page.  He is a plump fellow with colorful cardboard feathers and a pilgrim hat atop his little, smiling head.  Although this is yet another relic of a day gone celebration, he seems to be trying to communicate something.  This turkey's beak happens to be pointing directly at a salt shaker situated on the table, in very close proximity.  This hardly seems random coincidence.

It's not quite clear to me whether he actually winked, or if I only imagined the wink...but it seems fairly obvious what this paper gobbler is suggesting.

Clever boy.

Today's Jazz Hands will be shaking a lot of salt upon their leftovers.

Day three-hundred and thirty-three complete.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 332


In this great land we call home, today is a holiday made for hand jazzing.  A celebration of food, family and friendship will be embraced by all in this Sourtherly Southland house that already smells of a twenty pound, roasting turkey.  I have now spent way too much of my precious time typing these words as I have food, family and friendship to thoroughly celebrate.

Today's Jazz Hands are off to embrace every second of the day.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Day three-hundred and thirty-two complete.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 331


Jazz Hands Travelogue, Day Three.

4pm.  Pre dusk, Wednesday.

The final day of travels began with an early stroll down a chilly beach.  After a stretch of rain, wind, clouds and power outages, the weather finally broke and the sun decided to pay a visit, just in time to bid us farewell.

Waves that one day ago seethed and spat profane have now subsided to a gentle roll, their foam tasting our feet as toes sink into wet sands.

This is the perfect place to deploy, the trick is to hand jazz with nobody watching.  I pick my moment.

I shout, "Look, a jellyfish!"

Yes, there was a jellyfish.  And nothing draws a crowd like a beached jellyfish.  Today's Jazz Hands were brief, in order to conceal the deployment, but quality is more important than quantity...and after a very short couple of days where a lot of activities were crammed into the schedule, one last quiet breath of fresh ocean air where the gods smile down upon a single moment in time was worthy of a high quality hand jazzing.  

The travel portion of cycle deviation is now over, the long drive behind us.  Northerly Northerners and Southerly Southerners have returned from the whirlwind road trip.  It's now time to unpack, unwind and appreciate the remaining time we have together.

Day three-hundred and thirty-one complete.

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 330


Jazz Hands Travelogue, Day Two.

7am.  Post dawn, Tuesday.

Northerly Northerners are still fast asleep.  Southerly Southerners are stirring, but not with haste.

Our rent-a-room-by-a-loud-road-but-close-enough-to-hear-ocean-waves-crashing-on-the-beach smells of fresh brew, single serve coffee and anticipation.

Today's forecast calls for a 30% chance of tired, complaining children in the morning hours, making way for a more tolerable form of youthful resistance by mid afternoon.

As with most forecasts, 'tis a game of odds.  The smart money is not wagering at all, hope for the best and just accept what the day ahead brings.  There's a whole world out there for us to explore rain or shine.  Impressive stone fortresses, an exhausting haunted lighthouse climb, historic districts with cobblestone streets and campy souvenir shops filled with neon slogans scribbled onto hooded sweatshirts on our horizon (literally, our destination is 3 miles from where I am currently sitting).

But first, I will enjoy my hot-water-poor-excuse-for-a-cup-of-hotel-single-serving-coffee whilst absorbing the ambient sounds of rolling traffic crashing onto the shores of my eardrums...and half of a leftover meatball sub.  I'm starving.

Today's Jazz Hands call for 100% chance of enjoying the forthcoming adventure.

Day three-hundred and thirty complete.

Monday, November 25, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 329


Jazz Hands Travelogue, Day One.

4am.  Pre-dawn Monday.  Coffee brewed.  Bags mostly packed.  Today's agenda:  Engage, embrace, encounter, and possibly several other things that begin with an "e."  

Monday's standard routine calls for easing back into the workweek and preparing for five days that seem eternally endless.  However today is not of the standard Monday variety.  Not even remotely close.  Even though the defecation conversation from one day ago has carried over to yet another early morning of poop talk, cycle deviation is in full effect (that works on multiple levels, if you catch my drift).  

Let the journey begin.  Our Northerly Northerners will join forces with these Southerly Southerners to explore a watery ecosystem, and evaporate into everlasting elation.

Today's Jazz Handes are spelled with an 'e'.

Day three-hundred and twenty-nine complete.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 328


A quick jazz of the hands this morning...

Nothing really extraordinary about today's particular deployment, however they highly anticipate a day of friendly goodness.  This day will bring forth even more good company, these ones of the local variety, the sharing of prepared foods and conversations of this that and the other, including, but not limited to the art of pooping (we can already check that one off the list).

Who knows what today will really bring...the one thing we know for certain is that time will not overstay its welcome.  I best wrap this entry up and get back to great conversations about pooping.

Today's Jazz Hands are ready for anything and everything.  Even discussions with friends about poop.

Day three-hundred and twenty-eight complete.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 327


Northerly Northlanders have descended upon our Southerly Southland peninsula we call home.  The foreseeable future consists of possibilities of the endless variety.

We shall bask in the glow of each other's company, and also the warm sunshine.

We shall recite poetry to one another to commemorate the gathering of like minded souls.

We shall do one of the two listed above and let you decide which is which.

One thing is for certain.  Today I will deploy an extremely appreciative hand jazzing for their taking the time and effort to travel from the bristling icy teeth of the north to entertain the thought of Southerly Southlanders entertaining them for an entire week with warm sunshine, engaging conversation, dolphin encounters, haunted jails, and saltwater cowboys.  However there will likely be very little poetry.

With a house full of friends, I better take this rare opportunity to deploy my Jazz Hands while nobody is looking...

Day three-hundred and twenty-seven complete.

Friday, November 22, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 326


Before getting swept away by the swift currents of pessimism, let me first state that it is yet another beautiful day in Southerly Southland.  The sun is shining and we exist, after all.  Should that not be enough?

Regardless of how we define "existence" whether our collective experiences are very real just as we perceive, or if we're merely a brain in a vat with some evil mastermind scientist pushing buttons to allocate emotion and response and thought in general, at least it's all happening on some, fundamental level.  Who cares what "existence" actually is and if our lives are a work of some sort of bizarre fiction?

Perhaps I am merely a voice inside of Robert Lochaven's head.  Does that make any of my perceived experiences less substantial?  What if it is my hot breath fogging the outside of the glass?  Perhaps it is our reflections that are self aware with life experiences and it is we that go away once the light is doused.  If so, then would not the shattering of the glass be considered murder or suicide, or maybe even a form of murder-suicide?  

If I am not real, how can Bill Murray be my hero and how would I lose a race to a track star with wet shorts?  Did I not step on a baby duck or fall in the river or offer false hope to a dying girl's friend or watch my father burn his dream home or time travel or vow to jazz my hands every day for an entire year?

I do not suppose it matters much where the experiences of my life originate, so long as I believe they have been experienced.  

Commuting to my place of business on this beautifully cynical morning, the sun shines down, filling my veins with warmth. This will be my final such commute for an entire week as I welcome a brief erosion in the pattern.  

I will do my best to report all hand jazzings through the duration of this much needed vacation to keep both readers completely up to speed on the travels, misadventures and Jazz Hands worthy experiences in the coming week or so, whether they actually exist or not.

Today's Jazz Hands are quite possibly the work of some bizarre fiction.

Day three-hundred and twenty-six complete.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 325


What a beautiful beginning to this Thursday morning here in Sunny Southerly Southland.  Warm rays of light are glistening off of every imaginable surface and their influence is flowing through my blood stream.

Seeing them as if for the first time, runners make their way along the boardwalk wedged between the highway full of commuters and the Gulf of Mexico, out for a little morning cardio.  I've never really cared to notice how many of them there are.

The track star anticipates the starter gun, wiggling his arms and hands by his side, running in place knees high to his chest then shakes his head and rolls his shoulders.

The morning commute seems every bit insignificant, the same as yesterday and the day prior to that, meaningless in its scope and repetitive magnitude.  But the sun's effects today can not be discounted.

He approaches the starting line, toe to chalk, head down.  The warrior's calm before rage, a moment of grace before the explosion of war.

If nothing else, the morning treks from home to my place of business teaches to embrace the peace that traveling offers.  It is an obvious trap to get caught up in the repetitive cycle and complacency of ritual.

As still as the hungry tiger coiled before launching onto her prey, the track star takes one last deep breath in unison with the crowd and his competitors, filling lungs with brisk, afternoon fuel.

Familiar icons of the landscape pass by as an effort is made to cherish every single one of them, although some days it is far too easy to overlook their unique beauty.

On your mark!

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Get set!

It begs the question:  Are their any moments in life that are truly insignificant, lacking uniqueness unto themselves, regardless of the similarity and familiarities contained therein?

Standing there, ready to run, I glance to the left and notice my fierce competitor, physically gifted and graced with unparalleled speed, he has never lost a race.  Not once.  On the biggest meet of the year and the biggest race of our lives there is little evidence that this track star to my left should not win on this particular brisk afternoon.  Likely by a considerable distance.

He looks up, focused, anticipating the starter pistol, as still and coiled as a drawn bow, and then a slow, wet trickle begins to run down his leg.  The track star looks down, puts his hands over dampening shorts and drops to the ground.  A pool of urine forms and he seems to be...crying.

The pistol fires and I hesitate but the race has begun, already falling behind my competitors, and the reigning champion, the favorite for the crown is out.  Legs churning ever so fast, the runners ahead slowly get closer, but this pushes them even faster.  There is no catching up as focus begins to wane, imagining the horror left behind, the embarrassment on the grand finale of the season, one track star's moment of glory seeping out of his pants, disappointment pooling all around.

And then there's the unmistakable sound of a runner approaching from behind, closing in with every stride until finally passing by.

I finish in last place, ending the race much like many others before, and the track star finished respectably, but did not win, which was a monumental deviation.  For me, this race was like all others in almost every aspect.  Outperformed and outclassed by my competitors, yet posting a decent enough time.  However the take away is the track star, expecting to win, brimming with confidence knowing full well he was well on the way to beating the entire field, right up until he became saturated with anxiety and fear, quite literally.  Falling to the ground, embarrassed for thoroughly wetting himself, he found the courage to stand up all soaked in urine and finish the race, knowing that there was no chance to win.  The race itself meant more than claiming championship.  

This small, relatively insignificant moment of my life (likely more of a significant event for the track star), has become a prominent fixture in my brain and that kid, that very fast, wet kid, taught me an important lifelong lesson.

Perhaps he grew up to be an extraordinarily successful man, his outcome shall remain unknown.  As the drive into the workplace commences, the sun glistens upon everything imaginable, even the memories of days long gone.  The runners make their way along the boardwalk wedged between the highway full of commuters and the Gulf of Mexico.  Passing them by daily, but never taking much notice, today the sun seems to illuminate them a little more than I ever recall.

Today's Jazz Hands are for all of those champions that do not necessarily cross the finish line first.

Day three-hundred and twenty-five complete.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 324


I searched high and low, scouring social media outlets for today's inspiration but there was nothing particularly hand jazzy to be found there.

I thought maybe I'd continue my list of ultimate self-indulgence from yesterday, but nobody really cares that Bill Murray is my hero and that I believe Bette Midler is the Angel of Death's second cousin, which would have been numbers 11 and 12 on my list respectively.  

But no.  Not today.

All I've got left in the tank is a standard run of the mill jazz of the hands, which will just have to do.  

Today's Jazz Hands are...well...of the standard run of the mill variety.

Day three-hundred and twenty-four complete.