Monday, June 10, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 159

SATURDAY, JUNE 8th, 2013  

What is that?

It makes sense to ask the question in present tense even if you are looking at objects in your rearview mirror, regardless of the obscured shape and context contained therein.  Just don't linger there too long as it is vital to keep your primary focus on what lies directly ahead of you.  Especially if you like to drive in the fast lane.

Of course the emphasis here is the thing that you are looking at, somewhere behind you.  

What is that?

You can see this questions the specific time frame and the things contained within that moment, not the subject matter's all about the context.

People that ask these questions live in the now.  Good for you...just don't completely ignore those echoes residing in those familiar, well informed places.

Today's Jazz Hands appear smaller than they are.  Day one-hundred and fifty-nine complete.

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