Wednesday, June 26, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 177

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26th, 2013  

This morning I spent a few minutes exploring dramatic Jazz Hands poses in front of the bathroom mirror.  Quite a bit of time has passed since such an attempt due to self-loathing.  Though none of said poses would ever be confused with traditional deployments, or satisfactory deployments for that matter, I find that the most effective attempts showcased my arms bent inward, crossing in front of my body, hands close in proximity, mostly obscuring my face.

I have enough experience with these hand jazzings (177 days worth and counting) to know that my facial expressions drain any potential success from these deployments.  The focus really should be on the hands anyhow, so I don't believe this deviation from the mean is completely unwarranted.  Traditionalists may argue, but it's not as if I'm out to become the next Liza Minelli, or better yet, Al Jolson.  I may have some lofty goals, but that's just not one of them.  I really thought that perhaps after 177 days of practice, I'd be well on my way to some exceptional hand jazzing, but I've come to terms with hand jazzing mediocrity (which is actually giving myself more credit than is justified). 

To wrap up this Jazz Hands progress report I can say with confidence that hand jazzing off the cuff in a moment of spontaneity is much more rewarding and much less contrived than premeditated deployments.  The mirror will confirm that for you, just ask.

Today's Jazz Hands deviated from the mean.  Day one-hundred and seventy-seven complete.    

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