Wednesday, June 19, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 170

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, 2013  

Confirmed:  Blood can be stored, unfrozen, for forty-two days.  

Confirmed:  The preferred temperature for storing blood for forty-two days is forty-two degrees, fahrenheit.  

Newly attained and noteworthy information part one:  Only 3% of the population donates blood.

Newly attained and noteworthy information part two:  The components that make up blood can be separated and each can be stored for different amounts of time.  Platelets, for example, can be isolated and stored for four to five days maximum while plasma may be isolated and stored much longer...potentially years due to developing technologies.

Newly attained and noteworthy information part three:  Me giving blood causes waterspouts in the Gulf of Mexico, unless the two events occurring at the same time were coincidental and unrelated, which does not seem likely.

Newly attained and noteworthy information part four:  My blood is obsessed with escape and escapes in record time.

Newly attained and noteworthy information part five:  Every single drop of blood that the blood bus extracts is recycled into another person in a matter of a very brief period of time.  

Newly attained but not so noteworthy information part one:  One out of every four (roughly 25%) blood bus staff members obsess about dogs and talks about them relentlessly and with conviction.

Newly attained but not so noteworthy information part two:  Blood bus staff members offer beverages, but do not serve gin and tonics.  Also, blood busses do not have suggestion boxes.

With blood flowing out of my body, the storm raged on.  I earned my sticker and enjoyed snack time.  I jazz my hands for a successful, waterspout inducing donation.  Guess how long I spent on the blood bus, from the moment I signed in to stepping back out into the world minus approximately one pint of blood.  

Give up?

It took forty-two minutes to sign in, fill out a questionnaire regarding sexual promiscuity and drug abuse, pry medical information out of the nurses, listen to dog stories, give away some blood, and pick out a tasty snack.  

Today's Jazz Hands had the requisite amount of iron content.  Day one-hundred and seventy complete.

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