The first man would have had to be exceptionally smart and resourceful to figure out an alternative measure for the human race to procreate...although without the possibility of sex, perhaps this first man would have been able to focus his thoughts and energy on a viable solution.
The bottom line is that even if this first man were smart enough, resourceful enough, find a way for the human race to thrive without women, what fun would life be without the female distraction? Who exactly would have wanted to live in that world?
I would like to thank all of the moms that have brought us into the world and molded us into the people we are today. I would like to thank my mom for making me...or at least doing her part. I would like to thank Wife for doing her part to bring Kid A and Kid B into the world, and someday we will appreciate the wonderful people they have become (there is some pride in who they have become to this point, but they have a looooong way to go before we totally buy in). I would like to thank Wife for putting up with endless nonsense and carrying on with the responsibilities of parenthood with resiliency. Some days she likely feels as though she has three children instead of two...which is not far from the truth.
Mothers, today's enthusiastic Jazz Hands are for you (and made possible by you). Day one-hundred and thirty-two complete.
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