Monday, May 13, 2013

365 Days of Jazz Hands - Day 131

SATURDAY, MAY 11th, 2013  

My first full day without a voice of reason to speak of went fairly well, all things considered.  The freedom of that burden far outweighs the need for a guiding conscience.  

What could possibly be the downside to this?  The risks involved are nothing compared to the rewards.  As evidence, my hand jazzing went particularly well today.  No nagging voice suggesting that it's a waste of time and that I look ridiculous.  

I thought this day's Jazz Hands were fantastic, if I may say so.  I'm not suggesting that I am ready to take the deployments on the road or anything like that, but I've come a long way since January 1st.  Without that nagging shroud of doubt hovering about, limitation is a thing of the past.

Day one-hundred and thirty-one complete.

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